Showing: 41 - 57 of 57 Articles
health regimen, wellness check, monthly worksheet, single mothers, health issues, healthy lifestyle

7 Ways To Overcome Health Issues For Single Moms

This month was the healthy single mom month where I focused on writing about ways to improve the health of single moms who face various health issues. I am going to tell you right now, this health month was an interesting one. I pushed out this series when my health took a hit.

We are directly in the center of a pandemic and the pandemic literally caught up with me. Everything from my physical, emotional, and financial health was impacted this month by COVID-19. Even though I did everything I requested concerning preventive measures at home and work, I still contracted it.

Everything has been shut down for me and my bed has been my best friend. It has been a struggle though being a single parent and quarantined with a 4-year-old. She’s a pretty independent little girl bu,t she still needs her mama for some things. So in other words, mama is struggling a bit to get quality rest.

Health is my priority this month. And with all that I’ve experienced these past few weeks, I would encourage you to assess and plan how you will stay or get healthy for yourself and your family’s future.

Single Mothers and Health Issues

It can be so easy to forget about the small steps we can take to better our health. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes extreme life events or illnesses to make us sit down and think about our health. Just like when we sit down each month and figure out our monthly bills, we should re-evaluate our health choices for the month to overcome our health issues.

health regimen, wellness check, monthly worksheet, single mothers, health issues, healthy lifestyle, empty cup

I do admit, I haven’t been the best at managing my health lately. Sometimes the demands of work and making sure our child(ren) is good trumps my health of myself. As a single mom, I find life to be demanding and challenges are a given. What good is a woman that pours out from an empty cup? 

I know one thing is that we have to change our perspective on health. Health is more than taking a bunch of medicine and going to the doctor. Even though these avenues help, health is all about how in tune we are with what’s going on in us and around us. It’s the beginning of how “well” you know your own life. Hints the focus is on more wellness this time around.

What Health Issues Do Single Mothers Have?

Single mothers can have all the same illnesses and diseases as others. However, most health among single mothers is stress-induced secondary to poor access to adequate health information and care. Below I share some of the common health issues that correlate to the single mother experience:

  • Stroke
  • Heart Attack
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • ADD
  • Substance related
  • Suicide
  • Grief
  • Mood/Personality disorders
  • Orthopedic conditions (back pain, nerve inflammation)
  • Headaches/migranes

These are some complications with health that single moms face.  Most stem from a lack of support, finances, and access to community resources. Being a single parent is burdensome for both men and women. However, women are often left with the brunt of child-rearing that takes a toll on the health and wellness of single mothers.

How Well Are You?

Has someone ever asked you ” How are you doing?” Your answer was I’m fine. And you know that was a lie…

What they really meant to ask is you was “How well, are you?” How versed are you in the things that are going on within you and around you?

Wellness is the state of being in good health or in the pursuit of being well. And with that, I try not to focus on setting goals to accomplish them anymore. I am currently in a place where I want to establish a lifestyle.

It can be addicting to chase goals and the following big things, which can leave us discontent in the process, I am all about the pursuit of being well and in a healthy place without all the pressure of being the perfect single mom. Which I refuse to become…

Health is a state of the body. Wellness is a state of being. – J. Stanford

There are 7 areas to wellness concerning the optimal state of our health. Within each area, I have focused on helping you develop a regimen, not a routine, to help you overcome health issues as a single mom. I hate the word routine. It gives me anxiety.

Regimen building is helpful because it allows me to incorporate specific actions to meet our personal needs in restoring our health and lifestyle.

Below I will cover each area and provide some helpful examples to help you develop your specific health plan to combat your health issues while also receiving assistance from your trusted health professionals.

As I tell all my patients in my day job, you have to be an advocate for your own health. Take charge and know your body well so you can live well.

health regimen, wellness check, monthly worksheet, single mothers, health issues, healthy lifestyle

7 Areas of Health & Wellness To Overcome Your Health Issues

Disclaimer: I am not a health instructor, physician, or doctor. I do not claim to be. I am a health professional that knows a margin about each realm. If you want to know the specifics of health and wellness, I would seek a certified professional. This post is only to encourage you to advocate for and take control of your own health. Definitions were paraphrased from the University of Wisconsin’s Health Promotion and Human Development Department site.

Physical Health

Definition: Physical health refers to the composition of the body. This area of wellness is all about your need for physical activity to reduce undue stress and fatigue on the bodily structure. Physical health helps reduce the potential of bodily injury, illness, and disease in your life.

Options to implement concerning physical:

  • Learn about and find ways to improve your skin health
  • Complete one exercise daily for 30 days
  • Make a point to drink a specific number of water cups a day
  • Add or remove one food for a month from your diet

Emotional Health

Definition: Emotional Health refers to the awareness and acceptance of your own emotions. Focusing on acknowledging, accepting, and managing the feelings that arise both positive and negative. Emotional health is helping you to understand others feelings and how to navigate them in a healthy way.

Options to implement concerning emotional:

  • Start a journal or writing poems
  • Talk with a friend about what’s going on
  • Learn new ways to cope with stress
  • Add one strategy to improve your time management

Spiritual Health

Definition: Spiritual Health focuses on your personal search and understanding of the purpose for human existence. Spiritual health encompasses the ability to make peace and harmony in your life. Helps you to find the meaning of life and establish your personal values and beliefs.

Options to implement concerning spiritual:

  • Start praying for 10-15 minutes each day
  • Research God, the bible, and understand why you believe what you believe
  • Pick a devotional on a specific topic to complete for the month
  • Try to implement 15 minutes of meditation a day (while eating, yoga, be fully present with kids)
  • Start each morning with worship music to focus your spirit.

Mental Health

Definition: Mental Health focuses on encouraging creativity, exploring issues related to problem solving, critical thinking, and adapting to change. This form is usually combined with emotional and spiritual to help stimulate your minds for growth.

Options to implement concerning mental:

  • Pick a book to read for the month
  • Try to learn a new language
  • Take a new course or a online training to learn a new skill
  • Watch Youtube Video focused on a specific concept to improve your understanding

health regimen, wellness check, monthly worksheet, single mothers, health issues, healthy lifestyle

Social Health

Definition: Social Health focuses on your ability to connect and relate to other people. Emphasizes the importance of improving your ability to make friends and use willful choices to improve personal relationships.

Options to implement concerning social:

  • Attend one social event for the month
  • Write a letter or make a phone call to one friend or rekindle with an old friend
  • Volunteer with a community organization that you’ve always wanted to
  • Join a club or mom group to develop new relationships

Financial Health

Definition: Financial Health, also known as occupational health, focused on finding satisfaction and fulfillment your life through your work. Improving the quality of working environments and your attitude to help with improving your success and money management. Proper money management allows for more significant opportunities in other areas of wellness.

Options to implement concerning financial/career:

  • Take a financial course
  • Find out your strengths, personality traits and find a career that aligns 
  • Implement a specific no-spend month
  • Create a vision for your future including financial and career goals

Environmental Health

Definition: Environmental Health focuses on caring for the state of the earth. To what extent are you willing to make adjustments to make the world a better place to live in that reduces the effects on the health of the world.

Options to implement concerning environmental:

  • Reduce water use in your home
  • Shut lights off when not in a room
  • Eliminate purchase of paper products
  • Implement use of one natural product a month

Developing your own personal health regimen

This month, I also took the time to create a fun, printable worksheet for all my single moms who want to give health planning a try. I will warn you… It won’t be an easy process and there will be days where you fall short. We are all sinners and fall short of glory (Romans 3:23). But what makes the difference is that we get back up again, in the words of Donnie McClurkin. I love that song.

You can find your Health Regimen Worksheet in the Freebie Vault:

health regimen, wellness check, monthly worksheet, single mothers, health issues, healthy lifestyle

For each boxed area, I would advise you to just pick one thing to implement. Because if you overwhelm yourself with more things, then nothing gets down and you will feel defeated. Which I don’t want to happen at all.

One tip would be to include your child or children in it to have a built-in accountability partner. At the end of each month, you can return to your worksheet and see how you’re doing with your health.



All in all,

I will leave you with a wonderful quote from an amazing woman that reminds me of how important my health is often. Hope it motivates and inspires you to be the best woman you can be. So when someone asks you again, How are you doing? You know for sure your answer is ” I’m doing well, thank you for asking.”

They who have health have hope; and they who have hopehave everything. –Maya Angelou.

Hope this post blesses and inspires at least one mama to be happy, healthy, and whole! In Jesus name, Amen.

Having trouble with improving your health and overcoming certain health issues?

Supportive Blog Post:

You can also join the Women Seeking Confidence Facebook group for a community of women headed in the same direction as you in regards to growing in love life:

5 Secrets To Better Social Health : Healthy Single Moms

To be honest, our society is in shambles. Our social circles are dwindling even if they’ve barely existed. People are turning on each other stemming from the issues of this nation’s culture. Conversations are either bringing us closer or keeping us further divided. Social media has become a trigger for mental health issues. COVID-19 is still running  rapid.

I am spent….

Besides the chaos and the blows our society has taken since January, I have had time to think about my own health and the health of the people around me. Our country is in dire need for the healing and good health that only Jesus can give.

We Need Heart Work in order to be Healthy and Whole.

For the month of June, I will be writing upon the multiple areas of health and giving you all tips, strategies, and opportunities for reflection regarding each area. My church does a health month every June that gives the congregation a nudge in the right direction about our health. This year’s theme is focused on getting healthier together. That is why I want you to join in on this health month with me.

The Idea of Social Health

Social health is the first type of health I wanted to talk about because the state of our society as a whole has seen a nasty turn. I know you all are tired of hearing about this but it is our reality. I know I am tired of having the conversations as well. There comes a time when a true dialogue will start once we all learn to listen to understand rather than to respond.

Social Health encompasses your ability to form satisfying interpersonal relationships with others. It also relates to your ability to adapt comfortably and communicate in different social situations. Oftentimes, social health is mistaken as a “non-essential”, but it’s the most important.

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. -Hellen Keller

God and Health

God laid out multiple scriptures that convey His purpose and stance on health, whether it’s social, emotional, spiritual, financial, or physical. Below are some of the scriptures for you to meditate on this month.

  • Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You restore my health and allow me to live. Isaiah 38:16
  • I will give you back your health and heal your wounds,” says the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17
  • And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—this is indeed a gift from God. Ecclesiastes 5:19
  • Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. Matthew 9:12

God has always called us to have great health. Below are 6 secrets to improving your social health that will help you nurture the relationships you want to have as a single mom. These tips will help you grow while navigating the challenges of society.

5 Secrets To Better Social Health

health, social, secrets, single mom, health month

  • Believe that you are able to be social and capable of healthy relationships

We have the opportunity to manifest and bring to fruition the things that we think about and truly desire. Understanding that you were created to be in connection with others and have been given the ability to sustain healthy relationships have such profound effects on your identity. It’s when we adopt the attitudes and mindsets of the world, we create an atmosphere of toxic relationships.

Ask yourself: What do I believe to be true about my social life and interactions? Which of my thoughts are serving me and which thoughts are not?

  • Understand others and understand your own needs equally

Honestly, your needs are not more important than others and vice versa. We have to learn to not be on so many extremes and understand the benefits of balance. As my awesome Pastor Erica Moore says, “Be done with either or thinking”. I have understood the importance of getting to know my needs and also being empathetic to others. Therefore, you will be able to have the essential conversations that will allow you to navigate relationships properly.

Ask yourself: Do I know what I need from others and those I am in relationship with? Have I taken the time to understand the needs of others around me? What can I do in the next week to understand these needs?

  • Cultivating new ways to balance your social and personal time

I had to understand this now as I became a single mom. I have a small individual requiring more of my time and attention. Therefore, all other things will need to get in line by priority. You are not obligated to your boss, co-worker, friends, and other acquaintances. How are you going to be at your best, if you haven’t taken the time to nurture yourself? Balance and time-management is so essential to social health as well as making your priorities and values plain.

Ask yourself: Where am I spending most of my time? Does this allocation of time align with my values? How can I re-organize my time to improve my social quality and allocation of personal energy?

  • Persevere through the disappointment, rejection from others, and avoid playing the victim

I had to understand that not everyone is at the same level of health as you. Understand that not everyone will have the same values and wisdom that you have regarding social relationships. That is why Jesus called us to open to others but be watchful and guard your heart. Use discernment when allowing others into your life. And if they do not meet your needs or cause you pain, quickly learn from the experience and change their proximity to you.

Ask yourself: How have I responded and healed from past relationship disappointments? How can I be more in charge of my social health? In what ways can I help prevent another toxic relationship in the future?

  • Achieve true connection by sharing your life with others

This one is essential to establishing true connection with people. For so long, I have been superficial with most of my relationships as a protective mechanism against getting my heart hurt again. But I also struggled with wondering why people would not see me as a deeper friend. I had to take the time to heal and have those conversations with myself, so that I can share my life and story with you all today. Authenticity and transparency are important ingredients to build trust with others.

Ask yourself: How have I been authentic and transparent in my relationships? How have I been fearful to share my life with others? What steps can I take today to share my life with others?


No matter what your social health has been like in the past, understand that all of that can change. You have to speak it to see.

I believe that I am what God has called me to be a social being.

I am capable of loving another and establishing healthy relationships.

I will take the time I need to heal from my past social relationships and use my wisdom and understanding to enlighten others.

It is important to know my own needs and the needs of others.

I will create balance in my time for myself and others to nurture all relationships

I will do things that align with my values and prioritize them above all else.

I will go above and beyond to reach my full potential of great social health.

Social Health is important to me.

Feel free to connect with other single moms like you in the Made New Mama Facebook group by clicking image below:

single mom, christian, confidence, facebook group, social health

Hope this helps at least one mama!

Comment below and subscribe on the side bar. Also, feel free to follow Made New Mama on all social media platforms.  Check out the additional resources on the resource page.


Ways to Serve Single Moms Based On Love Languages

Before the eye rolls begin, let me be clear. Whether you enjoy talking about them or not, love languages have changed the game on how we relate to others and love one another. Don’t get me wrong…the application of the love languages is flawed with major triumphs. However, one thing I love about them is the opportunity of growth and understanding. (more…)

7 Tips For Setting Boundaries Better As A Single Moms

A relationship has always been a struggle for me; whether it was friends, boyfriends, family, or at work, I could not figure out how to navigate them. Until I began to acknowledge my own weaknesses and seeking wisdom regarding the conflicts I was having, setting boundaries was non-existent.

Relationship Guru

I would like to think I know more about relationships now that I’m approaching the tender age of 30. However, what better way to learn about relationships than through the person who created them and an individual who studied them.

Jesus is foremost the person to connect with for wisdom regarding relationships. Following the way he interacted with his believers, the disciples (Luke 6:12-16), and the unbelievers, can give you insight to appropriate connection and interaction with certain people in your life.

Another source of wisdom is from Dr. Dharius Daniels. Pastor, Coach, Author, and Speaker, he has been a go-to source on Youtube for me including sermons centered around relationship knowledge. In his words:

Our greatest blessings and our greatest hurts will come from the same place. Relationships.

Dharius Daniels, Relationship, Intelligence, growth, Jesus

After reading his newest book called Relational Intelligence, I have not been able to view my relationships and interactions the same as before. His take on relationships through the life of Jesus, provides us with the knowledge to utilize the people skills needed for us to live the life of purpose we want.

Reading his book helped me to take the time to truly understand relationships and to take inventory of the relationships I have in my life now.

Who are my relationships?

Your relationships can span from intimate to a two -second encounter at the store. Relationships can be the following:

  • Familial- parent, children, cousin, aunt/uncle, siblings, grandparent/kid, 
  • Friendships- best friend, close friend, confidants, spiritual sisters/brothers
  • Work- co-worker, boss, employee, partner
  • Advisor- mentor, pastor, counselor, role model
  • Assignment- customer, mentee
  • Associate- someone who is usually around where you usually hang around

What exactly is a relationship?

A relationship is a way that two or more individuals, objects, or ideas connect. People connect on various levels, some on an intimate level and others on a more superficial level. Relationships can be organic, based on environment, similar behaviors, and beliefs.

There can be good relationships in your life and also experiences of bad relationships. Whatever relationship it is, everyone experience some form of relationship as early as utero. The first ever relationship on this earth is with your mother and all others start from that point on.

Why should I be in relationship with others?

God created and called us to be in relationship with one another. When we are obedient to love God with all our hearts and mind, we are also committing to love all that He created including our neighbors. We are here to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10), encourage one another (Hebrews 10:25),  and carry each other burdens (Galatians 6:2).

In a time where social isolation is encouraged and the norm, relationships are being challenged and strained more than ever. Our original nature to connect to others are being dampened and we need to be more intentional about make sure our relationships are taken care of. (Philippians 2:4)

relationship, relationship problems, single mom, barriers, negative thinking

How do I navigate my relationships?

There is no specific formula or steps to have the best relationships. But there are principles that you can implement to help steward and nurture your current and future relationships.

Below are some tips on relationships and better boundaries to navigate each of our relationships with others well and the way God intended.

7 Tips for Setting Better Boundaries in Relationships as a Single Mom

relationship tips, single moms, better boundaries, faith

Know your needs in a relationship and communicate them.

I put this tip first because it is the one I struggled with the most. I was originally a go-with-the-flow type of person but it got me in situations I didn’t want to be in. When you have time alone, take inventory of all your relationships that mean something to you.

Figure out and reflect on the expectations you have for these relationships. Then, in conversation, discuss and communicate the expectations from both sides. Therefore, everyone will be on the same page and able to navigate the relationship accordingly. When there is no communication on both parts, there is too much room for imagination to step in.

Put people in their proper relational place.

Once you have reflected and discussed, I definitely encourage you to re-evaluate people’s place in your life. Ask yourself: Is this friendship serving the direction that God has for my life or the direction of the other person’s life? Do I really feel comfortable sharing the inner most parts of my life with them or should I keep boundaries with those individuals?

Relationship alignment is our responsibility. We are responsible for “putting people in their place”. After we have a clear understanding, we must begin the process of aligning those relationships accordingly. – Dharius Daniels

If you’re going to love, then love. But you can love deeply or from a distance.

This one goes hand and hand with the previous tip because as single moms, we experience so much rejection and pain from relationships. We can become damaged which impairs our ability and willingness to love and trust others again, which is needed for successful relationships.

relationship, scripture, single mom, faith

But God has called us to Love (it is the greatest of all). Love God, love ourselves, and love others the way Jesus loved us on the cross. So it is in us to love (1 John 4:7), we just have to follow in Jesus’s example and love with discernment.

Understand the power of your ‘No’ and ‘Yes’

I found myself getting caught up in saying ‘yes’ and agreeing to things I didn’t really agree with or want to do. People pleasing was the stubborn enemy that stepped in the way when I wanted to step out and be courageous.

Knowing when to say YES and understanding the strength in your ‘no’ is the first step. Not being afraid of disappointing others or their reaction is the next step.

Once you have overcome those two, you are better able to communicate your truth and be authentic in your interactions with others. You owe no one an explanation for your decisions to protect your energy and your peace. It’s called stewardship, not selfishness.

When you say ‘Yes’ to others, make sure you’re not saying ‘No’ to yourself. -Paulo Coehlo

Have the hard conversations with grace and clarity.

Like the book so nicely laid the foundation, there’s order to making the relationship discussion and conversation happen. There are three steps: Prayer, Planning, and Execution.

Most of us skip the prayer stage and initiate the conversation out of pure, irrational emotions that usually adds fuel to the flame.

Or like me, spending more time than needed in the planning stage, causing myself to become paralyzed by the idea of finding the perfect time and approach.

Lastly, execution is often feared due to fear of rocking the boat, despite being uneasy or unhappy in the relationship.

Don’t be fooled more than once.

Ideally, I would like to stay away from being fooled at all. But sometimes we learn more out people after a betrayal, conflict, or situation happens. Therefore, we must use the reality and demonstration provided in front of us to make the decision to limit or eliminate the people we need to guard our hearts and minds from.

I will say this is not only limited to external friends, but even pertains to family members and co-workers. No one has the right to hurt you more than once unless you give him or her permission to.

Never let your loyalty make a fool of you. -Unknown

Be aware of sabotaging behaviors.

Most of these tips are about how you perceive others in the relationship, but make sure you look in the mirror when it’s all said in done. I was the queen of limiting behaviors that kept my relationships from true intimacy.

relationship, self-love, reflection, growth, single mom

Sometimes we are using protective mechanisms that keep us from truly experiencing the benefits of quality God-filled relationships. Allowing barriers that have been put in place consciously and subconsciously stand in the way of  ever growing in your relationships. 

I encourage you, if you need additional support in this area, connect with a relationship coach or a counselor/therapist that can help you navigate/overcome these issues. 

God’s final call to us

God knows and created the blessings that come with connecting and navigating relationships. But remember that when sin came into the picture, which invited in the uncertainty and the hurt with human connection.

All in all, don’t fall into the trap of “I’m better off by myself”, because you’re not. That’s just the excuse we use to procrastinate or ignore the pruning God desires for us to go through. Relationships weren’t intended to be hard.  All God wants from us… is relationship and our hearts.

Sis it’s time to release those bad experiences that have tainted your view on relationships. It’s time to get back to the way it used to be, the way God intended. Walk in the confidence, discernment, and grace that have been given unto you to improve your relationships, no matter the type.

Here’s a printable checklist for you that will serve as a quick reference in the future below:

Printable, relationship tips, better relationships, single moms, setting boundaries

Pray this post helps at least one mama.

Supportive Blog Post:

You can also join the Women Seeking Confidence Facebook group for a community of women headed in the same direction as you in regards to growing in relationships:

3 Reasons Why I Didn’t Want Child Support From My Ex


You may ask yourself, why is she writing about this topic, and why haven’t she filed for child support? And you are not wrong for thinking that. Many others have asked me the same question. I wrote this post to communicate my experience as a single mother and challenge your perspective, knowing there are always other options you could consider. (more…)