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10 Signs Of Healthy Relationship

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I am so excited to talk about having a healthy relationship this year because it is something that I have strived to experience. It is also something that when I see it, I begin tearing up like I am watching a romantic movie.

Yes, I cry a lot.

I even cried on Encanto.

It was all about healing, restoring, and moving toward healthier familial relationships. What is not beautiful about that.?

And yes, I’m talking about Bruno! LOL

But enough of my rant, you came here to see the signs of a healthy relationship and determine if you are experiencing them on your own. You’ve stopped at the right place.

I am doing this blog post differently from the previous posts because I have been more concise in my writing.

Relationship Check-Up

Less than a year ago, I created an excellent checklist that helps you evaluate your relationships and how you are experiencing them. I also provided a diagnosis and simple starter tips to take steps forward to improve that specific relationship’s health.

The guide is called the Relationship Check-Up Checklist,” You can get your copy here.

Assessment, checklist, resource, relationship, coaching, evaluation, support, faith, confidence, growth

You can use this checklist for people and even relationships with inanimate things like money, career, etc. I love this list because it’s quick and easy and allows you to pause to give your relationships the attention it needs to grow.

So I highly encourage you to get your copy of the checklist!

Below I will share ten signs that you can consider to see if any of your relationships are healthy ones for you.


10 Signs You’re Experiencing A Healthy Relationship

relationship, healthy, signs, christian, faith, moms, single moms, couples, women


  1. The relationship looks and feels like you imagined God designed it to be.

    God has already shared wisdom of how a relationship should look, the challenges you will have, and the joy it would bring. He also shared countless examples of how relationships should go, how we should treat each other, and how He will make everything work according to His glory. He expresses how meaningful his relationship is with Him through the example of Jesus and how Jesus interacted with others. So this is a question to yourself, do the ways of your relationship align with what God says? If so, your relationship is on the right track.
  2. The relationship aligns with your values, beliefs, and priorities.

    This sign goes in conjunction with number one. Have you ever witnessed people not on the same page for anything? It is exhausting and toxic for the people connected to them too. Without this sign, your relationship will constantly struggle with power whose values, beliefs, and priorities will prevail. But this does not mean the relationship needs to be severed altogether; it means re-evaluating this person’s position in your life. Growing up, I experienced this sign in my many familial relationships.
  3. You can show up in your confidence and most authentic self.

    Being your whole self around others has been the message I preached since I started this confidence journey for myself and you in mind. I say that because I know what it’s like to feel like you can’t be yourself, quirks and all. I often felt like a caged bird and puppet throughout most of my relationships. Even found myself starting to mirror and become those around me. But through all my challenges in relationships, I’ve learned that if you can not accept all of me, then the relationship does not deserve the proximity to me as I would hope. Please don’t get this confused with people being okay in your disfunction, you still want people in your life to make you better, but they must understand that is a better version of who you already are.
  4. The relationship inspires you to do more in life and reach your goals.

    A relationship should always inspire you to learn and become your best self in life. Suppose your relationship constantly reminds you of your past and causes you to feel stuck in your current situation. In that case, it’s time to evaluate the relationship and make your needs known. And if they can not step up to be what you need, then it’s time to make a choice. A healthy relationship will always support you (even if it’s not the way you think) and encourage you to reach all your God potential.
  5. You feel open and able to talk about anything in or about the relationship.

    For many years I operated in the space of silence, not sharing what I truly felt because I wanted to keep the peace and thought no one truly cared about what I had to say. Even though I know it was childhood trauma; I still find myself hesitating when I share the wisdom God gave me with you all. Many of us struggle with communication in relationships which have a significant role in keeping relationships healthy. When we don’t feel like we can share and say what we need to, relationships die within us before they end altogether. If the communication bridge is a challenge, that doesn’t mean the relationship is over. It just means that there is work to be done.
  6. The relationship makes you feel respected and that your needs/boundaries matter.

    One-sided relationships are the worse. But a dictatorship is like hell on earth. I love my relationship with God because he allows choice in it and honors what I need and desire. God is very attentive, and I hope to focus on my relationship like Him. A healthy relationship honors the other person without jeopardizing who you are. This type of relationship hears you and puts what it has heard into action. So if you are not receiving that, I would encourage you to speak up as soon as possible.
  7. The relationship puts you at ease and reduces the stress in your life.

    Having a happy, healthy relationship does not mix with stress and worry. There will be times and circumstances where burdens may be heavy. However, if you are in a constant state of stress and frustration, it’s time to re-evaluate and eliminate triggers within the relationship. High pressure in a relationship may mean that you might have to stop the relationship itself, but that is up to you, your energy, and what you deem is valuable and meaningful in your life. I think of my relationship with Jesus. Our relationship brings me peace and assurance; all the stressing or worrying I do is all me. So make sure before you write off, make sure it’s the relationship causing stress versus all you.
  8. You feel encouraged to find ways to grow and learn in the relationship.

    Same with point 4, if the relationship doesn’t encourage you to be better, get disciplined, and make changes without prompting. It’s time to re-evaluate the priority of this relationship in your life. 
  9. The relationship feels like a partnership and that you are a part of a team.

    I honestly do not see myself in a relationship of any kind that doesn’t value what I bring to the table anymore. A partnership signifies that we need each other to be better. The bible reminds us of this when it says that two are better than one. But again, with any team, if someone becomes a ball hog or a one-person show, it’s hard to meet the common goal and move in the same direction. If you are dealing with this, I will encourage you to ask the other person, what do you love about what I bring to our relationship?
  10.  The relationship excites you and makes you think about a better future.

    If you don’t see anything in a relationship’s future, why are you in it? Why are you continuing to waste time holding on to something that is no longer for your next season? There are times when sparks are gone, or you have no desire to commune with this friend or family member. I understand that you search for ways to ignite excitement about your relationship. But when you are sitting in a relationship for 40 years or dealing with mistreatment of any kid from those you call family, it’s time for boundaries and the make your next move from there. 



All in all,

I hope you answered yes to most of these questions. And if not, I hope this post encourages you to expect more from your relationships with others. Feel free to get a copy of the checklist to re-use every time you re-evaluate your connections and their health.

Check out the simple tips and share what you learned with others. God has called us to relationships, so that’s inevitable but how you experience them is all up to you. I hope you choose to have happiness, joy, and peace in your relationship. 

This year, let’s vow to no longer have mediocre, half-hearted relationships—Healthy Relationships Only.

Share below which sign resonates with you and which character you expect to move forward in your relationships.

If you need additional support in evaluating and working through your relationships, I encourage you to reach out for a Confidence Chat.

And if you want to stay connected with resources for relationship-building, join the new Women Seeking Confidence Facebook Group here.

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

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