Spiritual Growth

3 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Health Is Important

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A while back I posted a few Facebook statuses for others to share what they admired about me and what they believe I would speak on as a Ted Talk presenter. In general, most people admired my positivity, my spiritual commitment, and discipline. Which in my head, I felt I struggled in all these areas. But through embracing this side of me, I’ve seen my spiritual health improve significantly.

You look online, watch tv, and even sneak into break room conversations, people are talking about health. Whether it’s the health of the nation, mental health, the physical state of your body, fitness programs, and eating trends, health is very important to our culture.

But there is one area that many communication outlets tend to neglect, in regards to promotion, is spiritual health.

spirit, physical, single mom, scripture, health

Keep reading…

What is spiritual health?

Spiritual Health refers to your core being. The place where you find hope, a future, and peace. The part of you that finds harmony between your body, mind, and soul.

Spiritual wellness helps you to process what you see in the world and how to respond to what you experience. Your spirit guides you in finding the meaning of life and identifying your unique purpose.

Who should focus on their spiritual health?

Every living breathing creature on this earth should be nurturing their spiritual health. Our spirit is the life-giving component to our being. With that being said, tending to your spirit is vital.

When should you reassess your own spiritual health?

We should reassess and check-in on this aspect of our health daily. I say daily because there is so much going on in this world right now that is affecting every part of our lives. If we’re not careful, our spirits can be wounded to the point that makes recovery difficult.

spiritual, proverty, suffering, lack, health, single moms

If we’re not being attentive, we can unintentionally allow things in our spirit and begin to see changes in our thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and interactions with others.

How can you work on your spiritual lifestyle?

You can work on your spiritual health in many ways. Here are a few that can help:

  • Journaling- ask questions, think positive.
  • Prayer and meditation
  • Reading your bible and seek out faith
  • Yoga
  • Get outside into nature
  • Laugh as much as possible
  • Exercise
  • Forgive
  • Allow yourself to mourn

Of course, there are plenty of things you can do to improve your spiritual health. However, I wouldn’t be walking in my calling if I didn’t warn you of the challenges that will impact your progression in this area of life.

There’s a great deal of challenges that we have no control over. But there is an opportunity to understand the challenges, know the reasons why spiritual health is important and keep the benefits at the forefront of the way we live. Below I address three reasons why we shouldn’t neglect it on our single motherhood journey.

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Your Spiritual Health as a Single Mom

spiritual health, single moms, neglect, reasons, growth

1. It gives you a sense of hope, purpose, and a future.

Like I mentioned before, as troubling as the world looks right now, this too shall pass. We should not lose focus on what’s ahead because of the circumstances that we see right now.

Working on your spiritual health helps you maintain discipline to live out your vision and not get off track when the wind comes. As a single mom, we get a great deal of wind and obstacles, but our response is what determines our future.

2. It helps you hold true to the good in you and those around you.

I have to work on my spiritual health for this very reason. I am such an empathic and highly sensitive person. Therefore, I do things from a good place but not everyone is accepting of who I am. I have to really work on being confident and rooted in who I am so I will not allow the actions of others to ruin my view of goodness in me and around me.

If you are at a place that you don’t trust anyone, it is probably time you need to take a look at your spiritual health.

3. It reminds you that you are not doing life alone.

It is so easy to get caught up in your own life and your own problems as a single mom. When life becomes all about you, everyone around you suffers. There is more to you than your situation. I heard a speaker at Life of A Single Mom say “look at life through a window, not a mirror.”

When you look through a mirror, all you see is yourself. But when you look through a window, you start to notice the beauty around you, the people who love and want to help, and the needs of others. Everyone is doing life right now, it’s better to do it together.

prayer, spiritual health, soul, wellness, single mothers


As a certified life coach, clarifying questions and action steps are my favorite things in the world. When it comes to your spiritual health, you should be able to answer those thought-provoking questions and have steps in place to build endurance over time. Here are a few questions, I want to ask you regards to bettering your spiritual health:

  • Who or what do you trust?
  • In the way you are living your life now, how are you being the solution?
  • What do you want to change or happen next?
  • How will you implement the above suggestions to better your spiritual health for the rest of the year?

All in all, I encourage you to lay out three specific things you will keep, add, and remove from your spiritual life to care for your spirit as a single mom. That way you have a solid vision and actions to be proactive in your own spiritual well-being.

Hope this blesses at least one single mama! 

How is your spiritual health?

Check out these blog post to support your journey:

You can also join the Women Seeking Confidence Facebook group for a community of women headed in the same direction as you in regards to growing in love life:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here: https://www.madenewmama.com/store/

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here: https://www.madenewmama.com/store/

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