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5 Home Decor Ideas To Renew and Remind Yourself Of God’s Blessings

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Now I am not a home decor guru. If you looked at my home today, you would think my home decor was all over the place. Even though I am ignorant to color schemes, mood boards, and feng shui arrangements, I know that to make a home a place of peace, you need reminders of God’s blessings and make room where God can dwell.

One thing I am trying to do this spring is to renew my home atmosphere and ensure my home is a place where my family and God can dwell.


Back Story

I spent the last month looking at my home and asking myself, how can I make my home a place of peace rather than chaos, with all the stuff and everything? How can I spice up my home decor?

As single moms, we often don’t have time to clean up constantly. Our energy the level is not at that capacity yet. That’s why many of us allow our homes to get messy and randomly having the urge to clean after all.

At the end of last year, I developed a weekly and monthly cleaning routine that did not work. I was consistent for about a week, but as life continued, that intention fell by the wayside.

However, I did keep 3 things consistent that gave me a sense of accomplishment and peace everytime I go to bed at night. These things are:

  • Dishes placed in dishwasher every morning.
  • Sweep the kitchen floor
  • Clean kitchen counter every night and sanitize

Later, I realized that these outcomes supported peace in my home. Also, they reminded me of how God has given me this huge, fantastic kitchen in my apartment that serves as space for cooking experiments, dance party space, and youtube tutorials with my daughter, which are all God’s blessings.

Yes, it’s that simple.

With small adjustments and minor changes, you can renew your home space. Furthermore, you are renewing your perspective and focusing on your blessings rather than mess or clutter. But first, let’s understand God’s point of view.


home decor, god’s blessings, reminders, single mothers, single moms, house, spring cleaning, faith building, environment

What is God’s definition of a home?

To my surprise, God has defined a  home. I don’t know why I was so surprised; he is the creator of all things. God defines a home as a place of peace, security, and rest.

He speaks on building and maintaining a house multiple times in scripture and most found in Proverbs. He shares what it looks like to make a home. Here are some scriptures to support:

“A house is built by wisdom and becomes strong through good sense. Through knowledge its rooms are filled with all sorts of precious riches and valuables.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭24‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“And thus you shall greet him: ‘Peace be to you, and peace be to your house, and peace be to all that you have.”
‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭25‬:‭6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“The Lord curses the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the upright.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭33‬ ‭NLT‬‬

God also expresses that we have two homes: an earthly home and heavenly home. A place where God has made room for you in heaven when your earthly home are destroyed (tents back in their days). Our Father wants us to know that we have more in store, so don’t fret if your home is not up to par yet. Want to learn more about our heavenly home? Check out 2nd Corinthians 5:1-10!


Why do we pray blessings and protection over our home?

I know that life is already complex, and the world is getting crazy. Therefore, I prefer to take the lead and cover my home for my little family.

Prayer is powerful. If I can‘t beat anything that comes against my home in my strength, then I know prayer will handle it. Whether evildoers attack us naturally or we are in a battle with the spirits of darkness, we are protected through prayer by our heavenly Father.

It can be as simple as:

Father, I thank you for our home. I thank you for the continued blessings and protection you provide for us. Lord helps us remove anything in our own spirits and home that does not welcome you. Renew, remind us of God’s blessings, and cause the demons to flee. So that you can forever dwell here in our home and protect us from the dangers of this world that are seen and unseen. Allow this home to be where my child(ren) encounter your love. In Jesus Name, Amen.


How should I renew my home to reflect God’s blessings?

“My people will live in safety, quietly at home. They will be at rest.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭32‬:‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When renewing your home decor to reflect God’s blessings, start with reflecting if your dwelling place even reflects a place of safety, quiet, and rest. Even though this post is all about external changes, please consider the quality and nature of your family’s interactions and communication.

I bring up relationships because I know, first hand, the impact they have on how you experience life. No matter what or how fancy your home looks like, if the relationships between residents are toxic and strained, then the place they are in no longer feels like the home God describes in the bible verse above.

Take the time to honestly assess your communication with those living in your home and determine if relationships are providing a safe, quiet, and welcoming place for each person to rest. Furthermore, a pleasant atmosphere for God to dwell.

Below I share with you 5 ideas to do in order to renew your living space and remind you of God’s blessings in your life.


5 Home Decor Ideas To Remind You Of God’s Blessings In Your Life.

home decor, god’s blessings, reminders, single mothers, single moms, house, spring cleaning, faith building, environment

  • Put up pictures of your family, the Word, or art that reminds you of who God made you to be and to be with.

Your family, the Bible, and even the skillful work of artist are all God’s blessings. Some of us often find ourselves frustrated and stuck in our minds due to life’s challenges; we look past the good things right before us.

For this reason, I say that putting up more things that remind you of family, friends, what God has said about you, and art that speaks to your inner peace and joy is necessary for your spring renewal.


  • Declutter unnessary things by selling or donating

I feel like I am constantly decluttering and getting rid of items in my home, especially when it begins to feel like things are piling up. I have found that when you truly take the time to declutter and get rid of home decor that no longer serve you or the season your family is in, there is a sense of freedom and the ability to breathe again.

Also, I love decluttering because it is another avenue to exercise generosity and giving by donating gently used items to those who will receive them as God’s blessings. For this reason, you need to take time to declutter this spring.


  • Use your senses to create peace and joy in your home.

Again, I am not a home decor guru. I don’t have homemaking all figured out. But I do know, is that I love to walk into my home and smell specific scents.

I am not a candle girl, but I am a vinegar-smelling, upbeat music playing, the smell of food cooking type of home dweller.

It may be a specific type of cleaner you begin to use with lavender, playing soft jazz, or keeping soft blankets lying around. Whatever appeals to your senses, look for ways to incorporate them into your home.

I still want to smell frankincense and myrrh; those are nice, too, i’ve heard!


  • Lay out the bible or Christian books that your frequent most in the home

This home decor idea goes along with the first one presented in this post. I desired to know God better and feel Him present when I am more. I also wanted to make my home a place to experience Him more, and that is often through His Word.

One thing I did and I would encourage you is to keep a bible or a christian book where ever you most frequent. For me, it’s my car and-my apartment, where I’ve put scriptures and prayer focuses on the walls of the bathroom and books in my front passenger seat.

I am an avid reader (God’s blessings through words, thoughts and knowledge) and I know the impact reading can do for your Christian walk. Try placing various books of interest around on tables, shelves, and nightstands to remind you of God’s blessings and spice up your home decor.


  • Get a faith-inspired door mat or signage to help you gain perspective when you get home.

This tip I didn’t start doing until I moved into my current apartment. My daughter has always wanted to hang things on our door and I was so resistant to it. I don’t know why per say but I know I wasn’t putting in the effort to make our home a home that everyone who lived there enjoyed.

This time, I followed through, and for every holiday, we’ve been enjoying door decorating. Most importantly, we have a welcoming sign and a door mat that speaks God’s blessing over whoever steps foot in our apartment.

Whether you feel like it or not, making simple changes to your home decor can help you redirect your thoughts and perspective when you get home, rather bringing the worries of the outside into the inside.


home decor, god’s blessings, reminders, single mothers, single moms, house, spring cleaning, faith building, environment

BONUS: Identify your top 3-5 home management must-haves to help you remain at peace in your home and don’t cause you to jump on the emotional rollercoaster of feeling like a failure.

Remember, for me, my must-haves are clean counters, vinegar-smelling, quiet or with upbeat music, books/bible nearby, and having emotionally charged conversations with my daughter.

Whatever makes you feel that your home is a home of peace and joy the way God desires for you to have, incorporate it. God will be pleased because you are honoring and making room for Him in your home.

You will also begin to have a heart of gratitude for what you already have and contentment with all God’s blessings that are right in front of you. Again, you don’t have to be a super-saved Christian or a home decor specialist to know what is needed to make your home a dwelling place for God Almighty and your family.


All in all,

Remember God is always with you and knows you inside and out. However, would you want God to live in your current home? If Jesus, hypothetically, knocked on your door today, would you need to scramble to make your home approved?

I asked myself that for some time now. And I have not made it there yet, but I keep pressing toward making my home peaceful, where God can dwell and where I would love for my child to grow up.

What are you planning to change this spring regarding your home decor?


Supportive Blog Post:

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Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

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