Single Motherhood

Encouraging Words For Single Moms From 6 Single Moms Past & Present

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First off, a special shoutout to my dear single moms and the soon-to-be mothers that are reading this blog post right now. I’m enjoying every bit of motherhood! I decided to put together a post of encouraging words for single moms by women who have helped and inspired me on my journey of single motherhood.

Mother's day

With the ups and downs I’ve experienced, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. However, I know for sure I couldn’t do this as a single mother without the influence and support of others. I have an awesome tribe and an array of powerful women that are examples for me to learn from.


God’s Advice for Single Mothers

The bible says… 

Mother's Day, Wisdom, single moms, appreciation, scripture, bible, encouraging words

God desires us to grow through all our experiences and to share our stories and wisdom with the young. For this reason, I am so grateful for the wisdom of the mothers who came before me.

Some advice we love and there’s some that we have to just be polite but use discernment. God does advise us to not despise wisdom, counsel, and correction ( Proverbs 1:7). I don’t want to be a fool.

Therefore, I decided this Mother’s Day to organize a few of my mentors, favorite influencers, role models, and church family members to share a piece of their heart and lessons from their journey through single motherhood with us.

This group of women have helped me to overcome, gain courage, learn to believe, and love again. Don’t forget their amazing resources to help me dream again, write and pursue entrepreneurship.

I’ll tell you one thing….

These women are powerful!

Don’t take my word for it, just keep reading and you will see.


Encouraging Words for Single Moms On Mother’s Day

Mother's Day, Wisdom, single moms, appreciation, encouraging words

Below is a collection of wise words from the 6 women I know and adore. Most are single moms as well as former single moms that have impacted my life both intentionally and unintentionally.


Love Yourself!

My name is Teresa, and I’m an Identity Coach where I help women discover how to Fly. Courageously! which is finally loving yourself courageously through their identity given by faith in Jesus Christ.

Encouraging Words: As a single mother, life can get so hectic with day to day routines that taking care of yourself is last on the priority list. I’ve learned in 22 years as a Mom, one of the best things I can do for them is to take care of myself. Here are three tips for self reflection on the road to self love, and better parenting:

  • Take care of yourself, and live your best life for God. 
  • Forgive those who have hurt you, including forgiving yourself.
  • Be willing to apologize to your child(ren)/others. 

Following these tips models self-love, and fuels healthy habit formation.

I would love for you to join my private group Fly. Courageously! on Facebook  and on Instagram @TeresaAllynPlease feel free to inbox me! Looking forward to hearing from you all!


Walk and Live in Grace!

My name is Alissa Nichelle Noriega and I am called to inspire, encourage, and motivate women to find freedom and purpose through Jesus Christ. I am also a co-host of “The Clear Talk Show,” Health Coach, and owner of God Gave Me Swag, LLC

Encouraging Words: Motherhood is all about evolving and learning. I wouldn’t say being a single mother is easy because I’d be lying. There is no guide to parenting nor is there such a thing as being the perfect mother. Give yourself grace on a daily basis because the reality is you won’t always do or say the so called “perfect” things.

I used to be so hard on myself when I couldn’t buy a certain thing or didn’t react a certain way. I felt so guilty when I couldn’t make it to a school function because I had to work. It was difficult but I had to do what was necessary to provide. I learned that giving myself grace was so important and making sure my son knew he was loved unconditionally is what mattered most. 

As your child or children grow older you tend to grow and evolve as well. New challenges arise with every age and I’d say be patient with yourself as you learn new ways to teach your children or find solutions on helping your children overcome their own challenges. Be patient with yourself and know that you are always doing the best you can everyday.

You can find me on Facebook and Instagram: @alissanichelle and Alissa Nichelle


Have A Plan! Oh and Tools!

April Nowlin is a mom, speaker, and author of Move The Finish Line: A Healing Journey of Pain and Purpose and the founder of Cultivator Consulting, an organizational growth resource. April is passionate about helping churches and small businesses to cultivate their vision and impact more people

Encouraging Words: Being a single mom can be a wonderful adventure but it also comes with a unique set of challenges. Add in being a Mompreneur, and you may be in for the ride of your life. One that is filled with joy and fulfillment.  If you intend to thrive and not just survive at entrepreneurship as a mom, I recommend having 3 things in your toolbox.

It’s critical to have a dream team in your corner. This team is there to support you personally and professionally. This is the team that you laugh and cry with and you trust to push you to be better. Be flexible! This will allow you to bend and not break under challenges. Lastly, take regular time for yourself doing the things that bring you peace and joy. If you are not the best you, you can’t be your best for your family and your business.



Allow God To Write Your Story!

My name is Elaina and I am a mama to one sparkly, energetic and free-spirited 8 year old. Jesus is my co-parent/pilot for my little family! I also own a successful wardrobe styling company with my younger sister called Olivia Laine, where I am one of the head stylists. I am super passionate about people and love helping others see their own value through the avenue of style.

Encouraging Words: Single motherhood has been my teacher, allowed me to grow and has helped to develop me. For many years I carried the shame of being a single mother and had a hard time celebrating my journey. However, as time went on I began to value myself, I began to dream again and evolve, but with this cool little best friend by my side.

I started to travel with my little best friend and experience life together. Within the past year my little best friend has watched me start and run a business. I say all this to say that while our lives don’t always end up where we thought it would, when we allow God to take over the pages of our story each page becomes more beautiful. Each experience becomes a story of courage and triumph; with many beautiful celebratory moments. So cheers to all my single mamas! Celebrate your beautiful story that’s unfolding before your eyes and the eyes of your little best friend!

Happy Mothers day to you! You’re more than a single parent, you’re a woman of courage, triumph and an inspiration to your minis.

XO Elaina @olivalainestylist 


Stay Available and Open to Love!

Hi, My name is Lakeisha. I have been married for 17 years and have 4 children. I am a speaker and marriage mentor alongside my husband. We have been marriage leaders in the community since 2006. I am an author and retreat host for the First Comes Love Marriage Retreat.

Encouraging Words: As a single mother of a male child I was full of fear and doubt that I wouldn’t see my dreams flourish and I wouldn’t meet a man that could love my son, love me, and “SEE” me. Christ exceeded my expectations by bringing a man into our lives that walked out a beautiful love story. We have been dancing together as one for seventeen years.

Despite everything that you have been through, failed relationships, friendships changing, heart broken, trauma, abuse, you are resilient. You have the ability to bounce back from difficult experiences-or you wouldn’t be reading this. God has a specific plan for your life, and for your child(ren). He won’t isolate you from what is best for you. Keep your heart open. Stay available to experience love. And let Christ bring you the best dancing partner ever.


You WILL Make It!

single mom coach, author, speaker, blogger, wisdom, mothers dayMy name is Kaywanda and I’m an author, speaker, blogger, soon to be podcaster, and The Winning Single Mom. My journey began when my boys were just 2 years old and 2 months. Kaywanda hosts a brunch series around the U.S. called Brunch and Love and believes women can chase their dreams and raise great children but single doesn’t have to mean forever.

Encouraging Words:  “I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but you will make it. You and your babies will be well. Take this day to rest, love on you, and love your babies. Honor your journey. Decide to create a life you love. Be willing to seek help from friends and family and others around you who support you. Know that there is always a better way ahead. Push to get there with all you have. Happy Mother’s Day! You rock!”

You can find her speaking on women’s issues, diversity, faith, and single parenting while working in the non-profit she founded and her latest project, The Single Mom Success Academy. 

Kaywanda blogs at and you can purchase her two books plus the Single Mom Success Bundle and Planner at


encouraging words, wisdom, mother’s day, single moms


Gratitude and Appreciation On Mother’s Day

All in all, I am so grateful for these women and all they do to make the lives of other women and mothers like us to feel strong enough to fight another day. Happy Mother’s Day to you all and I hope you are shown how much you are loved and appreciated. 

I always like to leave off on a God note of encouraging words…

When she speaks, her words are wise and she gives instructions with kindness.
She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Proverbs 31:26-27

Remember who you are and all you do for your family. Moreover, if you don’t get the thanks and appreciation you deserve this holiday, know that God sees your blood, sweat, and tears. You are so appreciated Mama! 

Need additional encouraging words on your motherhood journey? Check out these related blog post:

You can also join the Women Seeking Confidence Facebook group for a community of women headed in the same direction as you in regards to growing in confidence:


Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

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