
12 Characteristics Of A Confident Woman (that men love too)

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Even though I would like to consider myself a confidence expert, I am still on this journey of growing and developing my confidence in all areas of my life. Through my learning, I am finding that confidence looks different for everyone. Still, some core characteristics of a confident woman stand out, not only for women seeking it but for men who adore a confident woman too. So below, I share 12 characteristics that are telltale signs of a confident woman.

12 Characteristics Of A Confident Woman

“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

Proverbs 31:29

#1 She knows God fills in the gaps and makes her adequate.

A confident woman always knows she is enough because God is her strength in her weakness. (2nd Corinthians 12:9-10) Which reminds her that her confidence is not only in herself but in the God who makes her qualified.

#2 She celebrates the strengths and wins of others and gives appropriately.

A confident woman never compares herself to others. Yet she uses others’ shine and victory as an opportunity to show her love and support for another. She gives her praises generously in a way that she is not only doing it to mask her insecurities but to pour out genuine admiration and love to those she comes across.

#3 She shows up as herself no matter where she is going or what she’s wearing.

A confident woman knows appropriate conduct in a different environment. Still, she never changes who she is at the core to win approval or mold the way she shows up to become accepted by the people around her. She is as confident in sweats & no makeup as she is in makeup & heels.

#4 She knows who she is to the core and is comfortable in her skin.

A confident woman has dated herself and continues dating herself. She knows her needs, her strengths, her weakness, and her quirks. And in all that, she has learned to be okay with them and embrace them with love.



#5 She has mastered her thoughts and emotions and communicates well.

A confident woman doesn’t allow her feelings and limiting beliefs to define who she is and what she can do. She also knows how to make her experiences and perspectives known with grace and respect. Sharing her knowledge and story is not something she can live without

#6 She knows her purpose in life and walks in it.

A confident woman has taken the time to seek out God’s purpose for their life. She would not feel comfortable taking life as it comes but desires to walk in the will of God for her life. Her strength to walk in it comes from trusting that God will equip her every step of the way.

#7 She makes sure her priorities are straight.

A confident woman knows the preciousness of her time here on earth. She will always put her family first and understand the importance of discipline to her spiritual, financial, mental, and physical health. All the things that might make her happy and exhilarated at the moment will not go before the things in her life that truly matter, such as her children, relationship with God, etc.

#8 She does not allow societal norms and unspoken rules to direct her; God does.

A confident woman is not tossed to and fro by every legislation that comes across the president’s desk, the horrific news stories, or the pressure from her family members to live a certain way. God directs her steps, and she truth checks everything that comes her way by putting it up to the mirror of scripture and seeing if it stands.


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#9 She asks questions and for help when she needs it.

A confident woman does not care what someone would think when she opens her mouth to gain clarity and understanding. She knows that she does not know everything and needs others sometimes to get through some of her most significant challenges. Her experience is that wisdom is her most excellent tool after fearing the Lord.

#10 She rolls up her sleeves and gets to work.

A confident woman is not afraid to get dirty or get uncomfortable. She knows that she can conquer any situation or task. This type of woman believes that she has work to do to serve a greater purpose. She understands that to be an effective leader, she must first become a servant. Like Jesus humbled himself to do to lead us back to God.

#11 She knows that she is a work in progress but still goes for it all anyway.

A confident woman never lets her past mistakes or shortcomings paralyze her from ever moving forward. She knows that she will get better and mature as she goes. There’s a season for everything for her, so she understands that she must go through it to get to where she wants to be.

#12 She smiles and allows herself to be vulnerable without fear.

A confident woman knows her smile can not only change what she feels inside but can help brighten someone else’s day. She is so full of joy that even though her world is falling apart, she knows that sharing her testimony and allowing people to see her in her highs and lows can become someone else prophecy. With her understanding that her life is not hers, she does not need to fear or hide.

All in all,

I hope you find yourself somewhere on this list. If not, then now you have a detailed checklist to give you starting points to begin to address your struggles regarding your confidence. But don’t only do this for a man; do it for yourself. God has always wanted you to walk in confidence in Him genuinely, so don’t feel like the pressure is all on you; you have help.

And you never know the confidence you will soon exude may attract the people you want and need in your life, including a future husband. But until then, enjoy being who God created you to be in this life. You won’t regret that one bit.

Is there another characteristic you would add to this list? Share below in the comments!

Needing additional support with your confidence-building journey? 

You can also join the Women Seeking Confidence Facebook group for a community of women headed in the same direction as you in regards to growing in relationships:

Here are some other blog posts to support your journey as well:

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Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

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