
How To Stop Negative Self-Talk Once And For All

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Somebody’s listening to the constant negative self-talk in your head. Listening to all the things you say you can’t do. Listening to all the words you speak over your kids in frustration when they’re misbehaving.

That somebody is You!

I don’t know how often I focused solely on my weaknesses and validated them during my self-discovery journey. Unknowingly, I was defeating the purpose of what self-discovery is all about—feeling oh so confident in conveying my shortcomings more than strengths.

A year passed, and I was still in the same place of fear, anxiety, and frustration. I reflected on what I was putting forward, and you know what it was all along, my MOUTH. Speaking negative, talking about why ideas won’t work right now, and killing my dreams before they even birthed anything.

I can hear my mom correcting me as I speak something inappropriate, out of line, or disrespectful. I could listen to God saying the same thing. Having all these plans to give me the desires of my heart, I kept forfeiting being on the path to see God’s will manifest all because of my mouth.

The power of life and death is in the tongue.

How often have you read, heard, and received this Word in a Sunday sermon? I’ve listened to it over a million times since starting in the church at a young age (13, to be exact). But, for some reason (being a hearer, not a doer), this principle did not penetrate my life the way it was intended, especially as a single mom.

The Lord knows that blogging has been in my heart for a while now. But, I have been a victim of my mouth more than I like to admit. I’m human, and like positive things flow through a process, so does the negative.

We speak stems from a belief that turns into thought, elicits emotion, and immediately turns into verbal or nonverbal behavior.

single woman, communication, self-love, negative self-talk

What can you do to change this negative self-talk?

Furthermore, I am taking the initiative or action steps to speak and think solely on the positive and know my strengths. Know that if you plan to work on this, it won’t be easy. You will have to battle stubborn patterns of behaviors that have not served you well in the past.

If you need to ask for accountability from others, Try these:

  • Spend time in the Word and start to engrave truth in your heart and mind through music, reading, and being in environments that promote a positive mindset.
  • Ask the top two people (most contacted on your phone) in your life to hold you accountable.
  • Try journaling for a week focused on your thoughts and words.
  • Try to capture the thought before it manifests into words. Change it before it displays.
Whatever you do, make sure you’re not hard on yourself if you struggle (negative self-talking about improving your self-talk).

Here are some quotes to motivate you to combat the negative self-talk:

Self-stigma can be just a big a problem as the negative attitudes of others.”
Megan A. Arroll

Treat yourself with love and respect and others will follow your lead. -Unknown

Talk to yourself like you are talking to someone you love. -Brene Brown

You are the only person you need to be good enough for. -Unknown

Press the switch off to your inner critic and start being awesome. -Vibe Inspire


single woman, single mom, negative self-talk, postive self-talk, confidence, self-love, relationship with self

All in all,

Speak life and live it more abundantly. As single moms,  we are often staring our circumstances in the face. But know that troubles don’t always last. There’s a season for everything, and He will not leave or forsake you.

You can do anything you put your mind to literally. You will notice a significant change in your mood, perspective, and inner peace.

Single mother is a title, but when we make it our identity, poverty and helplessness will follow. -Chyna Nicole

Need support with transforming your self-talk?

You can also join the Women Seeking Confidence Facebook group for a community of women headed in the same direction as you in regards to growing in relationships:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

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