Single Motherhood

Dear Single Mom: A Letter Of Encouragement For 2021

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Dear Single Mom,

I write you this letter because I have an obligation and call to speak into your life, situation, and new path.

My sentiment is to encourage you and guide you. I am writing this because I want you to know that I see you and I feel you.

After all, I am you.

Dear Single Mom, Believe!

I know you didn’t set out to become one nor expect your relationship to turn out the opposite of what you hoped. See, I had no idea what my actions would cause and the deceived view of my relationships that was as solid as a plate of jello.

But to be honest, sometimes we are on a path of personal growth and discovery. Hints, why I started writing to you, the blog has been a light through my journey. The idea of something good coming from becoming a single mom can be hard to believe, and it still doesn’t soothe the pain of a road not easily traveled. But it’s okay to believe in what God is doing in your life.


Dear Single Mom Of Great Strength!

You are strong! Even when this journey weakens you to your knees and beats down on you with guilt, shame, and judgment, know that you are mighty.

But strong doesn’t mean to run through life like a bulldozer or hold up walls of Jericho; it’s all about being strong enough to rest, take on parenthood, and choosing you daily while facing some of your most challenging relationships. Strong is how God made you, helping you navigate this world, not as society expects you.


Dear Single Mom, Single Motherhood, Encouragement, Connection, Growth, Faith, Letter, Inspiration, Wisdom

Dear Single Mom, You Are Loved!

You are worth more than he can ever show you. Let him go because if he hasn’t demonstrated change, growth, forgiveness, or remorse, he may not later. Today, I want you to choose truth, health, and love.

I know all the relationships with guys have been trauma after trauma. I also know that you have a desire to be known and loved by someone other than God. No offense, Big G, we had awakened love before it was ready, so mama has needs. But the Holy Spirit has given us self-control, and at this time, we both need to close doors and make way for proper healing. You are loved!

Dear Single Mom, Dream!

Honestly, just because you’re a single mom doesn’t mean you won’t have the same opportunities others get. But it also means be vigilant to the actions of others toward you and your discernment of yes/no when opportunities do present themselves.

It’s okay to dream about more than your children; remember you were a little girl with dreams yourself. I want to remind you to not only aspire to be but pursue your passions. Do not fall into the comparison trap but be inspired by those that are where you want to be. There’s room for you too!


Dear Single Mom, Single Motherhood, Encouragement, Connection, Growth, Faith, Letter, Inspiration, Wisdom

Dear Single Mom, Choose Community!

I know how you feel. You are feeling the ease of getting away and isolating yourself from those who care about you. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Hold on to those relationships that help you and care for you. Remove the relationships that are holding you back.

At times we overwhelm ourselves, and other times life gets the best of us. But that’s how our journey is, full of ups and downs; But as long as we buckle in and hold on tight with the right people on your side, you will be alright. Do not be deceived! We need each other.

Dear Single Mom, You Are Enough!

I love you.

Everything about you.

I hear you breathing, and I sense your thoughts racing. Let’s not allow our lifestyle to rid ourselves of the happiness and joy that comes from genuinely accepting yourself, your circumstance, and the future that is more abundant than you can ever expect.

You are a concrete sunflower, growing through the complex foundations of this earth, making time for the Son and others in Him. You are more than enough. Let this letter be a lesson to you; even though life gets tough and feels like no one understands, I do! Your child(ren) adores you. Know that they will be fine.

My heart goes out to you, and I know you can overcome and blossom in this journey. I hope and pray you are blessed by my words and empowered by my story. I desire God’s best for you, and so I cheer you on from the sideline. Grab ahold of it, Sis! Your transition into single motherhood is a stepping stone for something greater. Lean on it, mama! Wake up every day and take care of business. I see you!

With love always,

Chyna Nicole

Dear Single Mom, Single Motherhood, Encouragement, Connection, Growth, Faith, Letter, Inspiration, Wisdom



If you are a single mom struggling to accept and embrace the season you are in, check out these additional blog post:


You can also join the Women Seeking Confidence Facebook group for a community of women headed in the same direction as you in regards to growing in love life:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

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