Single Motherhood

The Best Kept Single Mom Podcasts To Listen To Today

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It has only been the first week of 2021, and it’s still feeling like 2020. There is something about the new year that makes us think there will be an immediate magical shift from the chaos the year before brought. We still have work to do. Now, more than ever, we have to put in a position to experience the changes we wish to see this year. One change I am incorporating is listening to the podcast, single mom podcasts at that.

Instagram Profiles To Follow

Why Podcasts?

I chose to start incorporating podcast listening into my daily repertoire because I am always on the go. Having time to read a blog post or keep up with a book has been challenging for me. Often time when I clean or cook at home, I listen to worship music or sermons. So I thought, why don’t I add podcast episodes to the mix.

Some benefits are:

  • Podcasts are convenient and don’t require much allocated time to listen.
  • It can be added to or completed in conjunction with other tasks on your to-do list.
  • You can take it anywhere with you, and you can find them on streaming services you already use, such as Spotify and apple.
  • It is just another way to consume content specifically for your specific needs.

Podcasts For Growth

When there is too much noise in the world, being able to tune out the distractions and listen to things that will improve your life and get you closer to God is a plus.

Bible says that not only be a hearer but a doer.

He is not saying that you don’t need to listen, but you need to listen first to do. So whatever it is you are trying to achieve, choose to listen to the things that move you closer to achieving your goal.

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Below I share the top single mom podcasts I heard great things about and plan to listen to in 2021.

Single Mom Podcasts of 2021


Faith, Coffee, & a Kid by Chere Williams

I met Chere early last year when I applied to be a speaker for her 1st Single Moms Of Faith Conference. Not knowing a thing about podcasts, I experienced a little while preparing for the event. Listening to speaker interviews and her earlier episodes, I know her love for encouraging women and being authentic in her delivery is apparent.

Her podcast is all about encouraging single moms and women, in general, to thrive more than survive by stepping fully and firmly into their faith and God’s plan for their lives! There are conversations about single patenting, homemaking, faith, friendships, creating your narrative, and more!

The Winning Single Mom By Kaywanda Lamb

Kaywanda has been an inspiration to me since my early days of blogging. When I was in the infant phase of starting Made New Mama, her Facebook post, books, and kind words gave me the encouragement I needed to begin my journey toward becoming a winning single mom.

Her podcast helps you take the guesswork out of single parenting AND starting a business. Every Tuesday and Thursday, author, speaker, and business coach to single moms Kaywanda Lamb interviews today’s top entrepreneurs running their ventures full time (or crushing it with a day job) to help you get further faster. This podcast is excellent for the single mom who wants to level up her income with a side hustle or online business and want some BOSS advice while you’re at it.

Single Mom Podcast By Heather Wells

The first time I came across The Single Mom is through her Instagram profile. She shares some of the most inspirational content I’ve seen on the gram.

This podcast is all about inspiring and supporting single moms like us. She is a single mother of three children (two with special needs) who spent years struggling to make ends meet. Now she is a successful business owner and dedicated to helping other single moms find the tools, resources, and mindsets to navigate through the craziness of raising children alone.

Christian Single Mom Podcast By Agape Moms

Another Instagram find is the Agape Moms. Their content caught my eye early on and has touched on topics that are deeper and more challenging for single mothers to face and overcome.

This podcast is all about you discovering yourself on the journey through brokenness and heartbreak. You can find the woman God designed you to be and live a fulfilling life full of purpose. They cover issues relevant to single moms such as divorce, domestic violence & abuse, parenting, relationships, dating, and more.

Grace For The Single Parent By Jen Smith

I am a big fan of Grace For The Single Parent. Jen is the sweetest and most humble person I’ve come across in the blogging community. She has a genuine heart for the single parent journey as she navigates it herself with her young adult children. She exemplifies the grace and hopes that she pours into her content.

Her podcast is for encouraging single parents in their current season. She shares practical tips and advice with grace and hope in mind.

Single Mom Dating: Bold Women Talking By Kimberly MacKinnon

This podcast is the last one because it’s a more recent one I found. It’s not necessarily Christian content, so there may be some foul language. But I find it to be raw and engaging in the arena of dating. Dating has always been a sore spot for me, so I thought, why not listen to some content that will help me improve in this area.

The podcast is for single women desiring to talk about dating well, in non-toxic ways, and organically growing their dating relationships by living their best lives. She shares tips for dating in this fast-paced, high tech world and how to survive all of it.

“Listening to podcast, reading a book, listening to an aduibook and watching films isn’t waste of time. It’s how somebody becomes wise!”
― Deyth Banger


All in all,

I will be honest I haven’t listened to them all just yet. But I hoped you all would join me and share your thoughts on various episodes. Feel free to share any single mom podcasts that I missed.

What podcast are you listening to this year???

Ever wanted to create a podcast? Here’s a resource to help you get started.

Need more community and would like to share your thoughts in a more intimate group. Join the Confident Christian Single Mom’s Facebook group!

confident, christian, single moms, women, obstacles to confidence


Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

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