
Important Lessons I Learned Before Turning 30

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I can’t believe I’ve been on this earth for 30 years already. As much as I was dreading this birthday leading up to this day, I am grateful for the 30 lessons before turning 30 that came along with this journey.

Some lessons were painful and some were the greatest moments of my life. However, I know at this point I can not sit and live in the past. I know God has a bright future for me and has bestowed me with the wisdom and patience to connect with women like you.

This is my declaration of Gratitude for this birthday:

Lord, I am so, so grateful for the opportunity to walk in your destined path and kingdom mission for my thirty years. I thank you for seeing me God and using me as a vessel to connect with and encourage Your women.

Lord you have given me a unique laugh, undeniable smile, and a warm countenance to show this side of You to others on earth. God I am thankful for the provision you have placed before me to walk out my purpose here on earth. Thank you for my blessing of a Baby Girl and an amazing family that loves hard.

All I desire is the constant fellowship and walk with the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide me on this next 30 year journey to 60. In expectation for many more lessons to come. In Jesus Name, Amen.


Check out recent blog post: 30 Instagram Profiles To Follow


I won’t hold you hostage with my back story on this post as you will get the story through the list. Here I share 30 lessons I learned before turning 30 this Wednesday.


30 Lessons I Learned  Before Turning 30

lessons, single mom, chrisitan woman, milestone birthday, growth

We shall start….

  1. Love God with all your heart, your mind, and soul.

    • There is no other way to live your life without acknowledging and honoring your creator. You can not understand the journey without establishing a relationship with the one who set you on this path.
  2. Love yourself and the skin you’re in.

    • Understand that the most value comes from yourself. Cherish your uniqueness, your strengths, and shortcomings. They all make you who you are, a special masterpiece.
  3. Cherish each moment you have with family and friends

    • I’ve lost a bit these last few years but I’ve gained so much in the process. Take time to really imprint the sweet moments with your loved ones in your heart. Take pictures like crazy because those memories may be all you have left.
  4. You don’t have to hold on to things that no longer serve you due to time spent.

    • Just because you’ve spent so much time with someone or something doesn’t mean you have to deal with the mistreatment, frustrations, and overwhelm that comes with it. Move forward and don’t look back.
  5. Your children are definitely a reflection of you.

    • I see myself in my daughter so much but I also have the opportunity to make the crooked paths in us straight. I’m learning to allow my daughter to find her own path.
  6. Being a single mom doesn’t make me undesirable.

    • I am still the same irresistible woman I was before but with an added bonus: wisdom and age. There is something about the single mom journey that makes you see how stronger you are than you thought.
  7. I am the Salt of the World, Light on a hill.

    • I am definitely learning how to let my light shine. I am not salty, I just give the world a bit more flavor. Enjoy being unapologetically and authentically you.
  8. Some people may not understand your journey but it’s not for them to understand.

    • It’s not the job of others to get you, it’s yours. Understanding is truly the gateway to freedom. There is so much bondage in ignorance.
  9. No matter what, there is always a lesson in every situation.

    • I truly learned to look for lessons in every interaction, situation, or circumstance I am in. Train yourself to be a life-long learner.
  10. Don’t pursue success, pursue peace.

    • I spent a great deal of time and tears chasing after a career that have served its purpose. But it was never the journey I was supposed to be on as a final destination. Whatever gives me peace, I put effort into. Success is a variable, peace is not.
  11. You never arrive, life is an ongoing  journey.

    • I am queen of destination addiction. Thinking that I will only need to accomplish this or make it this far and I will be set. That was a lie that I was believing for too long. I never enjoyed the journey so focused on meeting the next goal.
  12. Ask for help.

    • Help is a must. I always thought that if anyone knew I couldn’t do it all myself, people would think I’m incompetent and weak. Thank God for renewal of the mind and understanding that there is so much power in asking questions and for help.
  13. Never play small for someone else’s comfort.

    • In my head, I was either extremely confident or caring about what people thought so much that I played a role. I have definitely grown in the last decade in embracing my uniqueness and learning to live authentically, unapologetically.
  14. Social media is not your community

    • Living for the likes, comments, and shares is a recipe for disaster. Social Media is designed for short-spurts of attention and not always for true authentic relationship building. Don’t get me wrong, I have met women who supported me through facebook more than people I can see in person. Just make sure you nurture the relationship beyond an emoji and GIF.
  15. Whatever you love, fight for it.

    • This lesson speaks for itself. Some things I fought for that I should have let go and others I hold close. But I will say that the effort was always well worth it when I truly saw the value and beauty in the mess.
  16. It’s ok to not have it all figured out.

    • Still trying to accept this peace of wisdom. I really don’t like to sit in the unknown. I NEED ANSWERS! But I’m learning to just walk in what I know and let things flow from there.
  17. Sleep is so important for your mind, attitude, and emotions.

    • Fatigue Queen here! Just kidding but seriously. I am a night owl but struggle to become well rested. I am learning to prioritize my rest and sleep. Things can get done tomorrow and my mood thanks me for it when I decide to rest. It’s also about better health into my 30s.
  18. Discontentment leads to missed opportunities of joy.

    • I have struggled with discontentment for a while and it has overtaken my perspective, keeping me in a place without joy. I became tired of the gloomy, depressed days and started to ask myself what I truly wanted out of life.
  19. Relationships are Hard Work.

    • I am still on the struggle bus with us all. However, I have took steps in bettering my relationships by reading books and making small changes that will improve my effort/performance in relationships.
  20. Look for the beauty in everything.

    • I appreciate everything beautiful but for so long I couldn’t appreciate my own beauty. I took the time to learn my own God-given identity and have been in love ever since.
  21. Slow to speak, quick to listen.

    • Now this one, I am going to be completely transparent with you. I am a patient person with others but I definitely bottle my emotions. Those trapped emotions keep me in bondage with Anger. Anger in my heart, thoughts, interactions, and dealings. All from experiences, emotions, and dealings that I am slowly unpacking and healing from. In reality, I struggle with anger but in faith I know God can change the situation.
  22. My strength doesn’t look like other peoples

    • This may come as a shock to you but I was definitely a people pleaser and comparison was my downfall. I always thought that because I was not like them, then I was lacking something. It took awhile but I am finally that my strengths may be weaknesses to others and that’s okay. Those people are not my people.
  23.  Have fun, you have the rest of your life to be serious.

    • I am naturally an easy going, fun-loving, playful person, laughing all the time. But over the last few years, I have been so grumpy and serious most of the time. It was just me worrying and not enjoying the moment. I am learning to have fun again.
  24. Find a way to get your thoughts out of your head.

    • I was definitely a hoarder of my thoughts and always knew my brain worked differently than other people. But blogging has been more than a hobby, business, or outlet, it has been so therapeutic for my mindset, mental health, and overall thought life.
  25. Know where your money is going.

    • In the words of Dave Ramsey, you are either a spender or a saver. You can just guess which one I am. Make it rain!
  26. You’re never prepared to have a child.

    • One thing that shook things up on my journey to 30 was becoming a mom at 25 y/o and in the middle of my graduate school program. I had no idea what life was going to look like for me but I trusted God anyway.
  27. Live fearless, try new things.

    • I have been striving to live a life without fear. It’s still a journey but I am getting closer. I can feel it!
  28. Invest in yourself.

    • Inner nurturing and valuing every strength and talent. You are amazing and I know because I would invest in you too.
  29. Pray, Mediate, and Be Still.

    • I have no idea how to sit still. But I’ve incorporated things like writing, yoga, and self-care time to help me to quiet my mind and body.
  30. Be Thankful and Never Stop Living.

    • Don’t stop believing! I love that song from the 80’s but I knew what they meant when they said it. Life is definitely what you make it. Just make sure you live with an attitude of gratitude.lessons, 30, Life, milestone birthday, list


All in all,

There is always 30 lessons before turning 30 or for any milestone. I have learned so much about life the hard way and the easy way. But through it all, I’ve found who I am and who I am purposed to be.

Even though the future is still unknown, which drives me crazy, I know that God is faithful. I will continue to count my blessings and remain in hope that God has an amazing future for my life.

Despite having such a milestone birthday in the middle of a pandemic, I can continue to see the good and peace in my life. I deserve to be celebrated because I am breathing.

Be sure to say Happy Birthday or some amazing words of wisdom on all Made New Mama social media platforms or in the comments at the very bottom:



Thank you all! And share some of your 30 lessons before turning 30! Hope this list blesses at least one mama!

Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:


  1. Oh, what wisdom you have at 30. I wish I had had some of these pieces of the pie back when I was 30. But at 72, I can still learn. #8 really speaks to me this morning: “Some people may not understand your journey but it’s not for them to understand.” I spent so much of my life trying to please others by kowtowing to others so I could fit in. I lost those precious steps in my life. I am still learning to ask for help. But I do see beauty. I have been quite adventuresome. My Mama taught me that. I thank you so much for sharing these and so grateful I am a neighbor on a link-up today. Bless you and know that God is our source and resource. Loving you, ~ linda

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Chyna Nicole

Chyna is a Faith Blogger and Speaker at Made New Mama, where she uplifts and empowers single women and moms to stop hiding behind challenges and start living confidently in their relationships through faith. Check out resources here:

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